El secreto mejor guardado para tu piel

The best kept secret for your skin

Deep sleep.

You may think that you need expensive treatments to achieve youthful, glowing skin.

The secret to glowing skin is simpler than you think. Sleep can be the closest thing to the fountain of youth. The trick is to get enough sleep each night.

Deep, uninterrupted sleep allows the body to repair itself and can affect your physical appearance, including your skin. As your body rests and renews itself, it can produce collagen.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. Having a good amount of collagen in the body can help maintain skin structures and increase skin elasticity. Collagen is what makes skin plump, consistent, and youthful.

Here are some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep.

Meal before bed:

Try to have a light dinner before bed. Lying down on a full stomach can lead to indigestion and disturb your sleep. Satisfy your hunger by eating well during the day so that you don’t wake up in the middle of the night wanting to eat something.

Water consumption:

It is essential to drink enough water as it can help to take care of the health of the skin and the body in general. Try to reduce the amount of water you drink before bed. This can help limit the number of times you go to the bathroom during the night and help you get a good night’s sleep.

Alcoholic drinks:

Alcohol can affect the skin by dehydrating it and altering your sleep patterns. You could end up waking up several times during the night to go to the bathroom or drinking water to rehydrate.

Skin care habits:

During the day, the skin is exposed to a number of stressors, such as dirt, pollution, computer light, etc. Get into good skincare habits, including applying a cleanser and moisturizer before going to sleep.

Look for a cleansing cream that is dermatologically tested and does not contain sulfates to prevent skin irritations. After cleansing, use a night cream, with natural botanicals like aloe vera and essential oils that will leave your skin soft and hydrated.

Modern life at its best can be demanding even in the best of times.
Despite this hustle and bustle, one thing we can try is to make sleep a priority. Continue: spend time on yourself, on your well-being, and give your skin a well-deserved renewal treatment with a good night’s rest.